Last week's endorsement by Internal Security Minister John Michuki

Mr. Michuki may be a frustrated man as violent crime surges in this country, but his orders shall not solve the problem.
Indeed it has been touted that many innocent lives shall be lost through unnecessary deaths at the hands of police officers. It is not inconceivable for innoncent persons to have firearms (even toy pistols) planted on them to justify their death.
It is high time that this country puts in place a body akin to the UK's Indepenent Police Complaints Commission.
Such a body would indendently investigate all complaints from the public against individual police officers, and take necessary action against including commencing criminal proceedings against them.
In the meantime, the following skeleton pointers may assist Hon. John Michuki to deal more effectively with crime:
1. There is need to set out the nature of the problem and current trends
2. develop a comprehensive strategy
3. develop a comprehensive violent crime reduction strategy
4 develop a strategy to intercept sources of illegal arms
5. develop a constitutionally acceptable strategy to deter illegal gun possession and carrying
6. implement education intiatives
The above strategies must also include a comprehensive review of the competence, remuneration and recruitment systems of the police force.
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