The last few days have been agonizing for everyone but in particular family, colleagues and friends of victims of the unfortunate Kenya Airways crash in Cameroon.
But some questions must be put to KQ and to Boeing, the manufacturers of the aircraft, as follows:
1) The emergency transponder did not work as it should. It stopped functioning while it should have continued to function for a period of not less than 48 hours. Does KQ regularly check that all their aircraft have such devices, and that they are in perfect working order?
2) It has been reported that Cameroon's Douala airprot may not have all the required equipment necessary to operate as an international airport including proper radar facilities. There must be some truth in this statement because the aircraft was eventually discovered only 20kms from the airport, surely, surely, the control tower should have seen it returning via radar or other suitable manner!!! This would have avoided search parties moving 100 kms away looking for the airplane!!
3) If the statement in 2) above is correct, why would Kenya Airways be operating flights to Cameroon?
But some questions must be put to KQ and to Boeing, the manufacturers of the aircraft, as follows:
1) The emergency transponder did not work as it should. It stopped functioning while it should have continued to function for a period of not less than 48 hours. Does KQ regularly check that all their aircraft have such devices, and that they are in perfect working order?
2) It has been reported that Cameroon's Douala airprot may not have all the required equipment necessary to operate as an international airport including proper radar facilities. There must be some truth in this statement because the aircraft was eventually discovered only 20kms from the airport, surely, surely, the control tower should have seen it returning via radar or other suitable manner!!! This would have avoided search parties moving 100 kms away looking for the airplane!!
3) If the statement in 2) above is correct, why would Kenya Airways be operating flights to Cameroon?
4) Does KQ provide parachutes for all persons in the aircraft? Could one have opted to jump out of the plane in full flight when the crash became imminent?
Our greatest sympathies to all!
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